Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (2024)

Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (1)

A going away party, more commonly referred to as a farewell party, works in both ways — it can either be arranged by the friends and colleagues in honor of the person who is leaving, or it may be arranged by the person himself for the others, as a gesture of his appreciation. It’s an emotional affair for both, the person who’s leaving and the others there.

Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (2)

Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (3)

Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (4)

Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (5)

The combination of leaving for something better and yet leaving behind all those friends, colleagues and memories, makes farewell party a bittersweet moment. That is why it becomes even more important that you host a great party and turn it into something that will leave only a trail of happy memories and thoughts in its wake. And a great party needs going away games — which is exactly what we are giving you in the sections to follow. Read, read.

Those That Focus on the Guest of Honor

This section essentially consists of those games that are used when a party is being arranged in honor of the person leaving, it thus has a unique theme running through it which is that all the games center around the guest of honor in one way or the other. Let’s take a look at the games, shall we?

Passing the Parcel … With a Twist

To play this game, make all the guests sit in a circle. Next, ask them to pass a container amongst them when the music starts. As soon as the music stops, the person in whose hand the container is, opens it and retrieves a chit. This chit will have a small anecdote about the guest of honor and the guest has to read this aloud to the others. To make this game more interesting, make sure that you write a variety of things about the guest of honor. There should be some funny, some touching and some serious episodes of his life.

Quiz Anyone?

Draw up a list of questions that focus on the guest of honor, then hold a quiz contest to determine who knows him really well. Use questions like:

~ How many cats does Sam have?
~ When is Sam’s birthday?
~ Which accident was Sam in last year?

You can give this game a twist by using “true or false” questions as well. In these, you add some fake funny questions and see if the guests can identify the same. Try questions like these:

~ Sam was dumped by three gals on the same day!
~ Sam has been bitten twice by cats in his life.
~ Sam has a tattoo of a butterfly on her ankle.

The questions can change depending on the setting of the group — is it a colleague or a college friend etc.

Guess Who

As everyone enters the party, ask them to write the most vivid, funny or introductory memory of the person involved. No names will be written. Collect all the papers and put them in a bowl. The guest of honor has to then open each paper and read the memory out loud, and then guess who the person is. For every wrong guess, they have to do a task (make it as embarrassing as possible) or have a shot of any drink (only if it is that kind of a party).

Can of Sardines

This game cannot be played in an open area. It will require a proper setting so that the guest of honor can hide. The game is simple. Choose about 5-8 people who will participate in this game along with the guest of honor. The guest of honor hides in, and the other guests have to find him. Give each of them clues on where he is hiding. Simple enough? The twist is that every time someone finds him, they have to hide in with him. The last person to find him, loses the game.

Blindfolded Guessing

Have everyone form a circle with the guest of honor in the center. Blindfold him and turn him around in both directions, then let him into the circle and ask each guest to put out his/her hand. The guest of honor is given two attempts to guess who the person is. For the first attempt, he has to try to guess who the person is by holding his hand; if he can’t get it right, then a chit will be read out and he has to try to guess from the clue given in the chit. The chit will have some information about the person — it could be anything that will help distinguish the person, like so and so has frames of his two family dogs on his desk.

The General Games

So what happens if you’re the one leaving and want to throw a party for the others? You sure can’t have games that center around you without feeling awkward, so what you do then is host some general party games. Of course, you can also use these games for when you’re honoring someone.

Arrange a row of plates filled with flour and place them on a table or the ground. Hide a candy inside each. Let a referee look over the game. Have all the guests stand in a line with their hands folded behind their backs. At the blow of the whistle, they have to run to the plates and retrieve the candy inside their plate using only their mouths. When the candy is retrieved, they have to run to the referee and show them the proof. The first 3 people who manage to do this the fastest, win the first, second and third prizes. It is a game full of energy and laughter, as you can imagine — what with all the guests stuck with flour on their mouths.

Balloons and Buckets

Pair all the people at the party and give them two buckets, one empty and the other that has a packet filled with balloons in it. At the blow of the whistle, everyone has to start blowing the balloons and placing them in the empty bucket. Give them a stipulated time for completing the task (say a minute). At the end of the minute, the pair that has managed to blow the maximum number of balloons, wins.

Flour Run

Arrange a row of plates filled with flour and place them on a table or the ground. Hide a candy inside each. Let a referee look over the game. Have all the guests stand in a line with their hands folded behind their backs. At the blow of the whistle, they have to run to the plates and retrieve the candy inside their plate using only their mouths. When the candy is retrieved, they have to run to the referee and show them the proof. The first 3 people who manage to do this the fastest, win the first, second and third prizes. It is a game full of energy and laughter, as you can imagine — what with all the guests stuck with flour on their mouths.

Water Balloon Toss

Pair all the people up and make them stand facing each other in the center of the room. Give them a balloon that has been filled with water. Mark spots on the ground behind each person, going all the way till the back of the room. Have a referee watch over each game. At the blow of the whistle, the person standing on the first mark in the center of the room has to throw the balloon to his partner and move back a step, onto to the next mark. His partner catches the balloon and moves back one step to the mark, then throws the balloon to his partner, thus increasing the distance between them with every step, and increasing the difficulty level. Those pairs whose balloons burst while passing them to each other are disqualified. The game continues till a pair reaches the last mark successfully without bursting their balloon. If there is more than one pair to reach the last mark, the shortest time taken by a pair to reach the last mark will determine the winner.

Mittens and More

Tape a thick pair of oven mittens over both hands of each person, then have them stand at a table which has a neatly wrapped gift. The aim is to try to open the gift the fastest, without taking the mittens off. To make things fair, wrap all the gifts in a single paper sheet and tie them together with a ribbon, or a tape that merely runs from the right to left and top to bottom.

Now you tell me that these going away games won’t keep the guests in high spirits throughout the party. Of course they will. Then all you have to do is play these games and watch the fun that ensues. The most important factor is that even though these games are all fun, they fulfill the purpose of making great memories for the person who’s leaving. And that is all that counts.

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Fun-filled Going Away Party Games to Make Merry Memories (2024)


How to make a farewell party memorable? ›

Farewell Party Ideas for Family
  1. Private Chef Experience. Invite the whole family for a delicious meal. ...
  2. Costume Party. It doesn't have to be Halloween to dress up. ...
  3. Breakfast for Dinner Party. ...
  4. Backyard Movie Night. ...
  5. Sports Competition. ...
  6. Packing Party. ...
  7. Garden Party.
Feb 16, 2024

Which game is best for a farewell party? ›

16 Fun Office Farewell Party Game Ideas
  1. Scavenger Hunt. Infuse your farewell party with a dose of adventure and discovery through an 'Office Scavenger Hunt. ...
  2. Memory Lane Trivia. ...
  3. Guess Who Said It. ...
  4. Photo Challenge. ...
  5. Charades – Office Edition. ...
  6. Two Truths and a Lie. ...
  7. Bucket List Builder. ...
  8. Time Capsule.
Jun 3, 2023

What is the icebreaker game for the farewell party? ›

You could create questions related to shared experiences, project milestones achieved by the departing coworker, or even fun facts about them. You might consider using Sample Happy Hour trivia games, adapting them into personalized trivia that celebrates and honors the teammate who's leaving.

How do you throw an awesome going away party? ›

7 Tips On How Throw An Amazing Going Away Party
  1. Write a guest list. ...
  2. Decide on a theme. ...
  3. Cook (or order!) more than enough food. ...
  4. Don't stress about what you don't have to. ...
  5. Have activities for your guests. ...
  6. Designate roles. ...
  7. Make happy hour happy for everyone.

What is the funny task for the farewell party for seniors? ›

One of the funny tasks for seniors in farewell party is to create a slideshow using images of the seniors as babies or as younger people to play Guess the Senior. Make everyone laugh and remember by challenging them to match the photographs with the appropriate individual.

How do you throw an unforgettable party? ›

Here are some steps to take to host a memorable event.
  1. Plan Effectively.
  2. Send Catchy Invitations.
  3. Make Your Home a Party Place.
  4. Decorate the Tables.
  5. Give the Party a Good Start.
  6. Regulate Food and Drinks.
  7. Make Your Guests Feel Special.
  8. Engage in Games.
Dec 1, 2022

What makes a party game fun? ›

Simple game mechanics, like drawing, acting, guessing, betting, and judging often work well in a fun party game. You want to set up scenarios that create a lot of fun and some contagious laughter. The game should be short, memorable, and enticing for players to want to come back for more.

What is a 1 minute game? ›

One minute games are fun activities requiring participants to complete a challenge within sixty seconds. Examples include the Gravity Game, Lonely Socks, and Scoop It Up.

What is a fun ice breaker? ›

If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why? ❖ If you could add a word to the dictionary what would you add and what would it mean? ❖ If you could meet any living person for dinner, who would you pick and why? ❖ What is your most used emoji?

What is the Find Four icebreaker game? ›

Each instruction tells them to “find four” classmates who meet different criteria such as “find four classmates who have a dog.” It's up to your students to wander the room and ask their peers questions about themselves to see if they can “find four!”

How do you end a farewell party? ›

Thank you for giving us this farewell and making our last day memorable. In the end I would just like to say that you all were dearly loved and will be missed.

How to host a farewell party? ›

Start by setting a date and time for the event. Consider the availability of the guest of honor and choose a date that works best for them. Next, establish a budget and allocate funds for the venue, decorations, food and beverages, entertainment, and any other necessary expenses.

How do you host a leaving party? ›

  1. Decide if it's going to be a surprise party.
  2. Hold a party close to the date of departure, but not too close.
  3. Why not throw a themed leaving party?
  4. Hire the right space for a leaving party.
  5. How much should everyone mingle?
  6. Choose the perfect menu.
  7. No going away party is complete without speeches.
  8. Who gets to buy the gift?
Jan 29, 2024

How do you make a party memorable? ›

Seven Steps to Create a Memorable Party
  1. Decide when the party will be held, who and how many will be invited, and nail down your budget.
  2. Choose your party theme.
  3. Find the perfect party location.
  4. Set the stage with decorations.
  5. It's not a party without food.
  6. Give your guests something to do.
Jun 29, 2023

How do you look unique in a farewell party? ›

You can opt for ethnic wear for farewell organised on your last working day by your esteemed colleagues. You'll find a plethora of choices to consider in our edit of ethnic dresses for farewell, featuring functional yet chic straight-fit suit sets, kurta sets, and much more.

How do you keep a party interesting? ›

Active Party Ideas
  1. Pub Games. Foosball and pool tables are staples in many pubs. ...
  2. Scavenger Hunt. Scavenger hunts are perfect for historical or outdoor party venues. ...
  3. Inflatable Sumo. Guests will adore suiting up in a massive, inflatable sumo suit. ...
  4. Bouncy Castle. ...
  5. Mini Golf. ...
  6. Hire a Trampoline. ...
  7. Velcro Wall. ...
  8. Indoor Skydiving.
Jun 27, 2024

What should be included in a farewell party? ›

How to Plan the Best Farewell Party. Choose a theme for the party, and pick up decor that matches it. Send invites to people close to the guest of honor, and have them bring food and gifts. Celebrate the guest of honor who's going away with games, pictures, and speeches about what you'll miss most about them.


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