Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (2024)

Clever student:

I know!

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (1) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (2) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (3) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (4) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (5).

Now we just plug in x=0, and we see that zero to the zero is one!

Cleverer student:

No, you’re wrong! You’re not allowed to divide by zero, which you did in the last step. This is how to do it:

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (6) =Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (7) =Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (8) =Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (9)=Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (10)

which is true since anything times 0 is 0. That means that

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (11) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (12).

Cleverest student :

That doesn’t work either, because if Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (13) then

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (14) is Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (15)

so your third step also involves dividing by zero which isn’t allowed! Instead, we can think about the function Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (16) and see what happens as x>0 gets small. We have:

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (17) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (18)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (19)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (20)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (21)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (22)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (23)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (24)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (25)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (26)

So, since Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (27) = 1, that means that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (28) = 1.

High School Teacher:

Showing that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (29) approaches 1 as the positive value x gets arbitrarily close to zero does not prove that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (30). The variable x having a value close to zero is different than it having a value of exactly zero.It turns out that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (31) is undefined. Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (32) does not have a value.

Calculus Teacher:

For all Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (33), we have

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (34).


Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (35)

That is, as x gets arbitrarily close to Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (36)(but remains positive), Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (37) stays at Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (38).

On the other hand, for real numbers y such that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (39), we have that

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (40).


Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (41)

That is, as y gets arbitrarily close to Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (42), Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (43) stays at Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (44).

Therefore, we see that the function Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (45) has a discontinuity at the point Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (46). In particular, when we approach (0,0) along the line with x=0we get

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (47)

but when we approach (0,0) along the line segment with y=0 and x>0 we get

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (48).

Therefore, the value of Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (49) is going to depend on the direction that we take the limit. This means that there is no way to define Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (50) that will make the function Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (51) continuous at the point Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (52).

Mathematician: Zero raised to the zero power is one. Why? Because mathematicians said so. No really, it’s true.

Let’s consider the problem of defining the function Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (53) for positive integers y and x. There are a number of definitions that all give identical results.For example, one idea is to use for our definition:

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (54) := Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (55)

where the y is repeated x times. In that case, when x is one, the y is repeated just one time, so we get

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (56) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (57).

However, this definition extends quite naturally from the positive integers to the non-negative integers, so that when x is zero, y is repeated zero times, giving

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (58) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (59)

which holds for any y. Hence, when y is zero, we have

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (60).

Look, we’ve just proved that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (61)! But this is only for one possible definition of Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (62). What if we used another definition? For example, suppose that we decide to define Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (63) as

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (64) := Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (65).

In words, that means that the value of Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (66) is whatever Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (67) approaches as the real number z gets smaller and smaller approaching the value x arbitrarily closely.

[Clarification: a reader asked how it is possible that we can use Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (68) in our definition of Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (69), which seems to be recursive. The reason it is okay is because we are working here only with Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (70), and everyone agrees about what Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (71) equals in this case. Essentially, we are using the known cases to construct a function that has a value for the more difficult x=0 and y=0 case.]

Interestingly, using this definition, we would have

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (72) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (73) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (74) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (75)

Hence, we would find that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (76) rather than Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (77). Granted, this definition we’ve just used feels rather unnatural, but it does agree with the common sense notion of what Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (78) means for all positive real numbers x and y, and it does preserve continuity of the function as we approach x=0 and y=0 along a certain line.

So which of these two definitions (if either of them) is right? What is Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (79) really? Well, for x>0 and y>0 we know what we mean by Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (80). But when x=0 and y=0, the formula doesn’t have an obvious meaning. The value of Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (81) is going to depend on our preferred choice of definition for what we mean by that statement, and our intuition about what Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (82) means for positive values is not enough to conclude what it means for zero values.

But if this is the case, then how can mathematicians claim that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (83)? Well, merely because it is useful to do so. Some very important formulas become less elegant to write down if we instead use Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (84) or if we say that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (85) is undefined. For example, consider the binomial theorem, which says that:

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (86) = Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (87)

where Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (88) means the binomial coefficients.

Now, setting a=0 on both sides and assuming Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (89)we get

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (90)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (91)= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (92)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (93)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (94)

= Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (95)

where, I’ve used that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (96) for k>0, and that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (97).Now, it so happens that the right hand side has the magical factor Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (98). Hence, if we do not use Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (99) then the binomial theorem (as written)does not hold when a=0 because then Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (100) does not equal Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (101).

If mathematicians were to use Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (102), or to say that Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (103) is undefined,then the binomial theorem would continue to hold (in some form), though not as written above. In that case though the theorem would be more complicated because it would have to handle the special case of the term corresponding to k=0. We gain elegance and simplicity by using Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (104).

There are some further reasons why using Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (105) is preferable, but they boil down to that choice being more useful than the alternative choices, leading to simpler theorems, or feeling more “natural” to mathematicians. The choice is not “right”, it is merely nice.

Q: What does 0^0 (zero raised to the zeroth power) equal? Why do mathematicians and high school teachers disagree? (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.