Super Metroid | |
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Below is a guide to Super Metroid. The third game in the Metroid series.
- 1 Walkthrough
- 1.1 Space Colony
- 1.2 Landing to Morph Ball Bombs
- 1.2.1 Crateria
- 1.2.2 Brinstar
- 1.2.3 Crateria
- 1.3 Chozo Statue (Crateria) to Kraid
- 1.3.1 Crateria (continued)
- 1.3.2 Brinstar
- 1.3.3 Maridia
- 1.3.4 Brinstar
- 1.3.5 Norfair
- 1.3.6 Brinstar
- 1.3.7 Maridia
- 1.3.8 Brinstar
- 1.4 Varia Suit to Crocomire
- 1.4.1 Brinstar (continued)
- 1.4.2 Norfair
- 1.4.3 Brinstar
- 2 Bosses
- 2.1 Ridley (Space Colony)
- 2.2 Chozo Statue (Crateria)
- 2.3 Spore Spawn (Brinstar)
- 2.4 Kraid (Brinstar)
- 3 Item Locations
- 3.1 Upgrades
- 3.2 Missile Expansion
- 3.3 Super Missile Expansion
- 3.4 Energy Tank
Below is the complete walkthrough for this game. If you are looking for something in particular (Missile location or how to defeat a boss for example) consider looking under the appropriate heading.
Space Colony[]
Just head through this deserted Space Station. There's only one way to go so you can't get lost. The doors will open automatically when you approach them. At the end of the Station, Ridley will appear and snatched the Metroid hatchling before attempting to kill you. Once Ridley flies away, you must return to the elevator in less than a minute. The Space Station will explode just after you have escaped.
Landing to Morph Ball Bombs[]
Upon escaping the Space Station, Samus will land on the nearby planet, Zebes.
Exit you ship and head left. Go through the door (shoot it to open). Continue left until you see a gap in the ground. Fall down the shaft, all the way to the bottom and through the door in the floor. Continue down the next shaft (If you keep to the right wall, you will fall most of the way). Go through the door at the bottom. Keep heading right until you reach an elevator. Go down.
Head left and over the platform. Collect the Morph Ball. Backtrack to the elevator. Take out the block at the base of the platform and use your Morph Ball to roll through. Head passed the elevator and through the door. Note the pink door on the right. Don't try to pass through it as you can't just yet. Shoot the blocks on the floor and drop down. Go through the door on the left (using the Morph Ball again to get through the small gap). Collect the Missile Launcher (Also know as "Missile #1"). Head through the pink door you saw earlier (fire five Missiles at the door to open it). Head to the far right of this room. Go through the gap at the bottom of the wall and collect Missile #2. Backtrack back to the elevator and go back up to Crateria.
The area will now be filled with Space Pirates which can easily be defeated with one shot. Backtrack through three blue doors. In this room continue to head up and go through the pink door on the right. Continue through this next room and into the other. Download the map for this area and backtrack through two blue doors. Head up and go through the second blue door up on the left to save. (You will have to roll through a small gap). Continue going up in the previous room. At the top head right until you see an opening in the ground that is big enough for you to roll into. Drop to the bottom and through the door. Head through this room and through the pink door at the end. Collect the Morph Ball Bomb.
Chozo Statue (Crateria) to Kraid[]
Already Samus has a wealth of upgrades but she is going to need many more if she is going to have any chance of ridding Zebes of the Space Pirates. Time for her to venture deeper into this planet...
Crateria (continued)[]
As you attempt to leave the room, the door will seal and the Chozo Statue will come to life. Defeat the statue before leaving the room (see "Chozo Statue (Crateria)" in "Bosses"). Head back through this room and into the next one. Head back up using the right shaft to get out of this area (plant a Bomb next to the bricks to destroy them). Once you are in the main area of the room, head left to the gap in the floor. Drop down to the second blue door on the left (the first blue door on the left leads to the save station if you want to save). Head through the small gap in this room. Destroy the bricks with a Bomb and go through the blue door at the end. Missile #3 is in this room. Go back to the previous room. If you plant a Bomb next to the first brick and keep pressing right on your way back, you can perform a Morph Ball Jump and roll into a concealed passageway a little higher up in the wall. Return to the larger room and head up to the top. The wall to the left here can be destroyed with Bombs. Destroy it and pass through the blue door. Continue through the next room and collect Energy Tank #1. Continue through the next door. Use Missiles to defeat the Space Pirates in this room and drop down to the bottom. Head through the next two blue doors and take the elevator down into Brinstar.
Drop down and head through the first pink door on the left. All the enemies in this room must be defeated before you can leave. Head to the back of this room and plant a Bomb at the bottom of the back wall. Roll through the gap and head through the next door. Download the map and backtrack through two doors. Head through the pink door across from you. Jump onto the upper ledge and run across it. You will fall through the ledge where you can collect Missile #4. Plant a Bomb at the base of the left wall to get out. Return to the previous room. Continue descending. There is a Save Station through the second door down on the left and a Missile Recharge Station through the bottom pink door on the left if you need them. Head through the door pink door on the right. Head to the back of this room, destroy the back wall with Bombs to pass through and head into the next room. Head to the top left of this room. There is a small gap that you can roll into here. Destroy the block with a Bomb to pass by. There is a Save Station through the door at the end of the gap if you need it. Return here and continue through the top right door in this room. The easiest way to defeat the enemies in this room is to fire Missiles at them. Head through the door in the ceiling. Defeat Spore Spawn and jump on top of him where he rests. Go through the gap in the ceiling and follow the linear path up and through the door. Head to the back of the room and jump on the green pipe. You will fall through it and down a long column. Collect the Super Missile Launcher (also known as Super Missile #1) and head left through the door. Use a Super Missile on the door at the other end of this room and go through it. There is a small section big enough for you to roll through. There is a Super Missiles Block blocking the way, however. Fire a Super Missile at it and pass through. Drop to the bottom left of this room and collect Missile #5. Head right and plant a Bomb at the base of the mound of pink earth. A small gap is revealed that you can roll through. Do so and collect the Charge Beam. Jump back up and go through the small gap in the pink earth to reach a green door. Descend through this room and shoot the blue section on the gate to open it. Continue through the door. Dash across the top ledge in the next room (hold the DASH key or you won't get across before it collapses) and through the next door. Keep dropping down through this room until you cannot go any further. Plant a Bomb on the ground to create a gap to fall through. Repeat this process a second time to fall into the bottom section of this room. Drop to the bottom again. There is an Energy Recharge Station through the green door if you need it, otherwise, pass through the blue door. Run and jump onto the ledge. Avoid the water as it will hinder your mobility. Continue through the next two blue doors.
Run through the next three rooms.
Use the elevator and go down into Norfair.
Avoid exploring here for the moment as many of the rooms are too hot for Samus just yet. Drop down and go through the bottom door. Collect Energy Tank #2. Jump over where the Energy Tank used to be and fall through the gap in the floor. Roll through the small gap and go through the door. Shoot the top of the column in the center of this room and jump over to collect the Space Jump Boots. Return to the previous room and head up. Roll through the gap and collect Missile #6. Continue through the small passageway beyond where the Missile #6 used to be. You will emerge where you found Energy Tank #2. Go through the door (you will have to kill the one enemy in this room first) and use the elevator to return to Brinstar.
Head through the door.
Head through the next three rooms.
Go to the other door in this room but do not go through it. Instead, stand near the door and fire a shot at the block above to destroy it. Now you can jump higher you can reach the ledge that is revealed. Jump up to the top of the room. Plant a Bomb next to the brick to destroy it and fire a shot at the block before rolling through. Go through the door and collect the Spazer beam. Return to the room with the elevator that leads down into Norfair but do not ride it down. Instead, fire a Super Missiles at the lower half of the wall opposite to destroy a Super Missiles block. Roll through the gap created and jump up to a ledge high in the air. Go through the door. Shoot the floor by the door and drop down to the bottom of the room. Plant a Bomb at the base of the right wall to reveal a small gap for you to roll through. Do so and go through the door in the ceiling. A few Spazer beam shots (or one charged Spazer beam shot) will be enough to defeat the enemies in this room. Head to the back of the room where you will see the floor dip slightly. Plant a Bomb in the small gap to reveal hole that you can roll through. There is a Save Station on the other side of the next door if you want to use it, otherwise, search for a crack in the ground in the main section of the room. Destroy it, drop down and go through the door. Head through the next room (again, charged Spazer Beam shots should be enough for theses Space Pirates now). If you shot the ceiling near the beginning of this room, jump up and go through the door, there is an Energy Recharge Station and a Missile Recharge Station here if you need them, otherwise, head towards the other door. You will have to defeat the eye on the door before you can pass through. Three Missiles in its eye when it is open will be enough. Defeat Kraid and collect the Varia Suit in the next room.
Varia Suit to Crocomire[]
Samus has already had a preview of the volcanic underworld, Norfair, but now Samus can withstand extreme temperatures, she can venture deeper and explorer further. This next section will not only take Samus further, but also back to the beginning. Back to Crateria.
Brinstar (continued)[]
Backtrack through five doors so that you are in the room just before the elevator room. Go through the bottom door on the left of this room. Kill the enemies in this room with Bombs then shoot the ceiling about ¾ of the way in to reveal Energy Tank #3. Backtrack to the elevator room and take it down into Norfair.
Drop down and go through the first blue door on the right. Shoot the floor to reveal a gap that you can fall down. Run along the bottom of the room and jump up the ledges at the end before going through the pink door. Follow the linear path through a green and blue door to emerge in a large room. There is a Save Station in the next door up of on the left if you need it, otherwise, head to the very back of this room. You will fall down after a pipe crumbles away. Keep shooting below up and you will eventually fall into a clearing where there is Missile #7. Backtrack to the main area of this room and plant a Bomb on the structure that is nearly hidden by bubbles to reveal a gap for you to fall through. Plant another Bomb in the center of the level you land on to reveal a pipe for you to roll through. Make your way through the pipe destroying the blocks with Bombs until you eventually emerge into a clearing with two doors. Go through the bottom one. Go through the bottom door on the right and then through the next door. In this room, go through the door on the right and head to the back of this room where there is a small gap for you to roll through. When you get into a clearing, shoot the center of the ceiling so that there is a gap for you to jump through. Head up go through the door. Use the flying creatures as platform to get through this room. Make your way up through the next room and go through the top door on the right. Use the platforms to get across the top of this room until you reach a gate. (If you fall you will have to go around again) Open the gate and collect Missile #8. Backtrack into the previous room (use either door) and go to the top before going through the next door. Head up and go through the next door up on the right. Jump to the second platform along and fire a shot at the ceiling to reveal a passage. Jump up and go through the next door. Run through this room to the next door but do not go through just yet. Shoot the ceiling to reveal Missile #9. Go through the door and collect the Speed Booster. This room and the room before will immediately start to flood with lava. Run back to escape it and backtrack through three doors so that you are back in the large bubble room. Now backtrack all the way to the elevator but do not go up it. You can go the route you can but there is now a quicker route if you go through the bottom left door and follow the linear path back (in the long thin room, you will have to use your Speed Booster to get passed the blockage). Once back by the elevator, go through the top LEFT door and charge through the next room before going through two more doors. Make you way up through this room to the next door but do not go through it yet. Shoot the pipe by the door to reveal a passage that you can drop down into. Use your Morph Ball to roll into a passage that is about half way down on the right side. Go through the door to collect the Ice Beam. Return to the previous room and go through the top right door. Freeze the creatures that are jumping out of the lava and use them as platforms to reach the small gap for you to roll through. Freeze the next alien in the middle of the lava pit and use it to get across before going through the door. In the next room, you will fall down a few levels. When you stop falling, bomb the base of the pillar to the right to gain access to a small passageway that you can roll through. You will fall down at the end. Go through the door and use the elevator to go back up to Brinstar.
Go through the door on the left, go through Maridia and back into Brinstar. Keep backtracking until you get to the large vertical room. Freeze the flying aliens and use them as platforms to gain access above. Head to the very top of this room. When you see the door, shoot the center of the ceiling to gain access to it. Go through the next two doors to emerge into another vertical room. Shoot the center of the bottom floor to reveal a passage below. Drop down and shoot the floor again to reveal a gap for you to descend further. Go through the door at the bottom. Freeze the jumping creatures to get passed them before heading to the back of the room and collecting Power Bomb Expansion #1.
After collecting it, lay a power bomb to clear the wall behind the statue and get a missile upgrade. Now go to the room above this with the two upside down jumping alien guys (takes a couple shots to kill them) and go to the back of the room (left most) and lay a power bomb. Go through the pulsing red guy without the green clampy alien and get the second power bomb upgrade. Across from this room you can morph bomb jump into a little area that you can't reach yet.
Below, is the complete list of bosses that appear in this game. Bosses in italics are mini-bosses.
Ridley (Space Colony)[]
You don't actually have to do anything here. Just let Ridley weaken you and eventually he will fly away. If you fancy a challenge however, there is something you can do to test your skills. Try shooting at Ridley and, if you hit him enough times, he will drop the Metroid hatchling (he will pick it up again when he flies off however).
Chozo Statue (Crateria)[]
You main problem here is your lack of energy. Try to fire as many Missiles at him as quickly as possible. You can't hit it as it turns around. If you run out of Missiles shoot the projectiles that it fires at you for some pick-ups.
Spore Spawn (Brinstar)[]
If you roll into a ball and go on the ledge on the left, he won't hit you. You can shoot his little spores to get more missiles. Every time he opens up shoot the inside of him.
Kraid (Brinstar)[]
This is the first real boss of the game. His weak point is his mouth. Shoot his face and he'll open his mouth. When he opens his mouth, shoot in it with Missiles or Super Missiles. At first he isn't that big, but once you hit him enough times he breaks through the ceiling and becomes bigger (he actually just stands up). The Curved things that he shoots out can be shot at to give you energy,missiles, etc. The little spiked things that he shoots out can be used to stand on. Four Super Missiles will be enough to defeat him.
Item Locations[]
# | Name | Location | Difficulty | Upgrades needed |
1 | Morph Ball | Brinstar | 1/10 (Easy) | None |
Take the center elevator from Crateria down into Brinstar. Head left and over the platform. | ||||
2 | Missile Launcher | Brinstar | 1/10 (Easy) | Morph Ball |
Take the center elevator from Crateria down into Brinstar. Head right and through the door. Drop down through the blocks, roll under the small gap at the bottom and go through the door to the right. | ||||
3 | Morph Ball Bomb | Crateria | 2/10 (Easy) | Morph Ball Missile Launcher |
Head left from your ship and go through the door. Locate the hole in the ground big enough for Samus to fit through in Morph Ball form. Head down and follow the linear path to the end. | ||||
4 | Super Missile Launcher | Brinstar | 5/10 (Moderate) | Missile Launcher |
Take the left-most elevator down from Crateria into Brinstar. Drop down and go through the bottom right pink door. Head through the next door into the next room. Go through the top right door and then through the door in the ceiling. Defeat Spore Spawn and use it's body to gain access above. follow the linear path up and through the door at the top. Jump on the green pipe at the back of this room. You will fall through and door a long shaft. The Super Missile Launcher is at the bottom. | ||||
5 | Charge Beam | Brinstar | 3/10 (Easy) | Missile Launcher Morph Ball Morph Ball Bomb |
Take the left-most elevator down from Crateria into Brinstar. Drop down and go through the bottom right door. Continue on through the next door. Drop down to the bottom of this room and plant a Bomb at the base of the pink earth on the left side. Roll through the gap that is created and drop down to collect the Charge Beam. | ||||
6 | Space Jump Boots | Norfair | 2/10 (Easy) | Missiles Morph Ball |
Take the elevator from Brinstar down into Norfair. Drop down and go through the bottom left door. Fall through the crumbling blocks on the other side of Energy Tank #2 and roll through the small gap. Go through the door and shoot the top of the column in the center of this room. Jump over to get the Space Jump Boots. | ||||
7 | Spazer | Brinstar | 4/10 (Moderate) | Super Missile Launcher Space Jump Boots |
Take the elevator from Norfair up into Brinstar. Head left through Maridia and back into Brinstar. Stand near the opposite door but do not go through it. Instead, fire a shot at the ceiling and jump up. Head to the top of the room and plant a Bomb near a brick that is block access to a small gap. Fire a shot at the block that is also inside the small gap before rolling through. Go through the door to collect the Spazer beam. | ||||
8 | Varia Suit | Brinstar | 7/10 (Hard) | Morph Ball Missiles Launcher Morph Ball Bomb Super Missile Launcher Space Jump Boots |
Take the elevator from Norfair up into Brinstar. Fire a Super MIssile at the lower half of the wall to the right of the elevator. Roll through the gap created and jump up onto a high ledge. Go through the door and fire at the floor to create a gap that you can fall through. Go to the bottom and plant a Bomb at the base of the right wall. Roll through the small gap created and go through the door in the ceiling. In this room, find a crack in the ground and destroy it before dropping down and going through the door. Keep heading right until you pass a door with an eye guarding it. Defeat the eye and pass through. Defeat Kraid and collect the Varia Suit in the next room. | ||||
9 | Speed Booster | Norfair | 3/10 (Easy) | Missile Launcher Super Missile Launcher Varia Suit Space Jump Boots |
From the position of Missile #9, go through the door on the right to collect the Speed Booster. Be warned that that this room and the room before will start to flood with lava afterwards so be sure to run back. | ||||
10 | Ice Beam | Norfair | 3/10 (Easy) | Morph Ball Super Missile Laucher Varia Suit Speed Booster |
Take the elevator from Brinstar down into Norfair. Go through the top door on the right and charge through the next room before going through two more doors. Make your make up through this room to the next door but do not go through it. Instead, shoot the pipe by the door to reveal a passageway that you can fall through. Use your Morph Ball to get through a small gap about half way down in the wall on the right and go through the door to collect the Ice Beam. | ||||
Missile Expansion[]
# | Total | Location | Difficulty | Upgrades needed |
1 | 5 | Brinstar | 1/10 (Easy) | Morph Ball |
See Missile Launcher above. | ||||
2 | 10 | Brinstar | 1/10 (Easy) (2/10 (Easy) if collected later) | Missile Launcher Morph Ball |
Take the center elevator from Crateria down into Brinstar. Head right for two rooms. The Missiles are located at the far right of this room. If collected later, this room will be filled with enemies. | ||||
3 | 15 | Crateria | 1/10 (Easy) | Morph Ball Morph Ball Bomb |
Head left from you ship. Continue left through this room until you get to the gap in the floor. Drop down and go through the second blue door down on the left. Roll through the small gap, destroying the bricks along the way. The Missiles are in the next room. | ||||
4 | 20 | Crateria | 2/10 (Easy) | Missile Launcher |
Take the left-most elevator from Crateria down into Brinstar. Drop down and head through the first door on the right. | ||||
5 | 25 | Brinstar | 3/10 (Easy) | Missile Laucher |
Take the left-most elevator down from Crateria into Brinstar. Head through the bottom right pink door and continue on through the next door. The Missiles are at the bottom left of this room. | ||||
6 | 30 | Norfair | 2/10 (Easy) | Missile Launcher Morph Ball |
Take the elevator from Brinstar down into Norfair. Go through the bottom left door and fall through the blocks on the floor on the other side of Energy Tank #2. Follow the path down, left, up and right to collect the Missiles. | ||||
7 | 35 | Norfair | 4/10 (Moderate) | Missile Launcher Super Missile Launcher Varia Suit |
Take the elevator from Brinstar down into Norfair. Go through the first door down on the left and shoot the floor to reveal a gap that you can fall through. Head along the bottom of the room and jump up the ledge at the end before going through the next door. Follow the linear path through two more doors. Go to the back of this room and you will fall through a pipe that crumbles away. Keep shooting below you and you will eventually fall into a clearing where the Missiles are. | ||||
8 | 40 | Norfair | 4/10 (Moderate) | Morph Ball Missile Launcher Morph Ball Bomb Varia Suit |
From the position of Missile #7, backtrack into the main area of this room. Plant a Bomb on top of the structure that is almost covered in bubbles to reveal a gap for you to fall down. Plant another Bomb in the center of the level you land on to reveal a pipe that you can roll through. Make you way through the pipe, destroying the bricks with Bombs. When you emerge into a clearing, go through the bottom door and then through the bottom door on the right. Go through the next door and then the door on the top right of this room. Head to the back of this room and roll through the gap in the floor. Shoot the ceiling to reveal a gap that you can jump up. Go up and through the door. Use the flying creatures as platforms to get through this room and go through the door. Head up and go through the top door on the right. Use the platforms to get across the top of this room and shoot the gate at the end to gain access to the Missiles. (If you fall, you will have to go around again). | ||||
9 | 45 | Norfair | 3/10 (Easy) | Super Missile Launcher Space Jump Boots Varia Suit |
From the position of Missile #7, backtrack into the main area of this room and go through the top right door (you may have to go round if you do not have the Grapple Beam, see the main walkthrough for details). Jump to the second platform and shoot the ceiling to reveal a gap that you can jump up. Go up and through the door. Run through this room and to the next door but do not go through it. Instead, shoot the ceiling to reveal the Missiles. | ||||
Super Missile Expansion[]
# | Total | Location | Difficulty | Upgrades needed |
1 | 5 | Brinstar | 5/10 (Moderate) | Missile Launcher |
See Super Missile Launcher in Upgrades section | ||||
Energy Tank[]
# | Total Energy | Location | Difficulty | Upgrades needed |
1 | 199 | Crateria | 3/10 (Easy) | Morph Ball Morph Ball Bomb |
From your ship head left through the blue door. Continue heading left until you reach a wall. Plant a Bomb to get passed it and continue through the next door. The Energy Tank is at the end of this room. | ||||
2 | 299 | Norfair | 2/10 (Easy) | Missile Launcher |
Take the elevator from Brinstar down into Norfair. Go through the bottom left door. The Energy Tank is just inside. | ||||
3 | 399 | Brinstar | 7/10 (Hard) (2/10 (Easy) If collected later) | Morph Ball Super Missile Launcher Space Jump Boots |
Take the elevator from Norfair up into Brinstar. Fire a Super Missile at the lower half of the wall to the right of the elevator to reveal a small gap that you can roll through. Do so and jump onto a high ledge before going through the door. Shoot the floor by the door in the next room to reveal a space for you to fall down. Go through the bottom left door. (This room will be locked if you have not defeated Kraid yet. See the main walkthrough section and the boss section on how to do this). In this room, defeat the enemies with Bombs and shoot the ceiling about ¾ of the way in to reveal the Energy Tank. | ||||